Ok, I did this xmas card based on 4 popular Spanish christmas carols. called "Villancicos". the first one is called "Mi Burrito Sabanero" (for those of you northamericans wondering what is this about no ,not the type of burrito that you eat at TacoBell), and it means my Mountain Donkey
Second one is "Campana sobre campana" Bell over bell. Then there´s "Los peces en el rio" meaning Fish on the river and finally there´s the only one we share with the english speakin countries, "El Tamborilero", The Little Drummer Boy.
This is for the Princess Leia week. In Empire Strikes Back Princess Leia argues with Han Solo. Han says she could use a good kiss, and Leia just says she´d rather kiss a wookie.... (we all know she wants him).